Hottest News
Base, Nounified
The metadata for “Base, Introduced” – a free open edition by Coinbase, has recently been changed to feature the iconic noggles. What an incredible way to showcase the power of CC0 brands like Nouns.
We’re stoked to proliferate the @nounsdao meme for the latest evolution of ‘Base, Introduced.’ ⌐◨-◨
36 hours left to mint at, powered by @ourZORA

Nounish, Delivering
The nounish team recently dropped yet another amazing longer-format video!
The Nouniverse
Brand new website with governance widgets by ng.
Keep in touch with your nounish friends – list of communities.
Prop House
Few hours left to vote on the latest Open Round by nouns.
Some exciting rounds are still open for proposals:
Private Voting Research Sprint ending in just 1 day!
Nouns Stories House looking for talented animators and other creative people.
Small but exciting Onion Art Contest and Index Card House.
Explorer Grants House looking for logo designers.
Prop House also has its own Discord server – join here.
Ideas and proposals
NSFW: Nounstown comic book 40+ page for 2 eth – Discourse.
Becoming a contributor – Discourse.
I. Small Grants: Nouns in Uganda + access to clean water – Discourse.
Nouns Vacation Summer Brand Campaign 2023 – Discourse.
Nouns buying private jet/yacht – Twitter.
Grants And Retro Funding
NSFW decided to fund Noun Town comic by Clover, I can’t wait to see the results!

Thanks For support Everyone 🌸
I’ll be scheduling with @thenounsquare to explain NounsTown’s Future Projects🌿

cc @toady_hawk @undeadnoun22 @jarmen43 @punk4156 @thenounsquare
Full list of Nouns DAO small grants. NSFW also has its own Discord server – join here.
Nouns Esports

Celebrating the launch of @BuildOnBase‘s testnet, and the power of open source brands ⌐◨-◨
A free (and based) mint powered by @ourZORA

The Noun Square
TNS was the most prolific Twitter spaces host for the month of February with over 111 hours on air !!!

Here are the Hosts that Hosted the most this February.
1⃣ @thenounsquare W/ 105
2⃣ @PsiloSoyReborn W/ 77
3⃣ @CandCEveryday W/ 60
4⃣ @77takuNft W/ 42
5⃣ @EasyEatsBodega W/ 34
How do you think they were able to do it? 👇

Bob Burnquist dropped a clip on ThatsGnarly recently.

@gnars_dao supports the artistry of legends like Bob and his @skatecuida institute
Join the movement:…
Dopamine x Nouns
3D Printed Fashion

Here’s a recap of proposal 197, bringing my 3D-printed Nouns fashion collection to NFT Paris

You can see an overview of all funded proposals here – link.
Nouner section
On-chain proposals
Functional Props – Defeated.
Purchase 5000 copies x 6 issues of ‘Nouns: Nountown’ for hodl & distribution by NounsDAO – Canceled.
Nounish Dataverse, open source data – Defeated.
Functional Props (Take 2) – Active.
House of Nouns v2 (revised) – Active.
Prop Lot: Where Ideas find People – Canceled.
Prop Lot: Where Ideas Find People – Pending.
Nouns: A Movie – Pending.
Nouns Proposal Tracker – Pending.
New Nouns
Average auction price: 28,6 ETH
Secondary market floor: 26,9 ETH
More nounish newsletters you should check out: