The transfer of
It’s Happening
Yellow Collective
Based Nouns
Freezerverse DAO
Kendama DAO
Builder DAO Meetings
Office hours are at 2:00pm ET on Tuesdays. The weekly Builder Office Hours call hosted by Prof Werder is your chance to ask all of your Builder DAO and Nouns Builder questions! Register your interest in the next call today, February 18th at 2:00pm ET in Discord.
Millz will also be hosting Tech Office Hours once per week on Wednesdays at 2:00pm ET. If you have any tech-related questions, suggestions, or otherwise please stop by to chat with him! You can register your interest in the event in the next call on February 19th, at 2:00pm in Discord.
In addition to the weekly office hours, the Builder bi-monthly call takes place on Thursdays at 5:00pm ET, the next call is scheduled for February 20th. You can register your interest in Discord here. This past Builder monthly meeting occurred on February 6th, the agenda is below and the recording is in our Discord here. You can also find a summary of the call in the Builder DAO Notion database here.

Builder Channel on Farcaster
The Builder Channel on Farcaster displays a feed of activity from members of Builder including casts and onchain activity such as auctions, proposals, and votes.
Farcaster is a great way to keep up to date with your fellow Builders! Head to your Farcaster client of choice, such as Warpcast, and sign up today. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance!

Builder DAO Fun Fact
The Builder token art is generative and uploaded within folders in a specific order to ensure proper placement. When creating your DAO art, use the sample folder to assist.

Protocol Stats
DAOs Launched on Builder Protocol: 3,442 DAOs Created (+22)
Nouns Builder Deployed: 1,278 DAOs Deployed (+8)
DAOs income from Auctions: 657 ETH (+5)
Nouns Builder Proposals: 1,333 Total Proposals (+150)
Cumulative Unique Voters: 8,413 Voters (+812)
Unique Voters (5 week moving average): 75.2 Voters (+14.2)
For regular updates, follow the Nouns Builder DAO Bot on Twitter or Farcaster.
Proposal 34 – Transfer From Zora to Builder Protocol
Proposal 33 – ETH Denver Code and Canvas Hosted by BurritoDAO
Proposal 31 – Proposal to Fund Operations Working Group UNA Administrator and Tax Advisory
Proposal 29 – Escrow Milestones proposal type for Nouns Builder DAOs
Proposal 22 – Establish a 3 of 5 Multi Signature Wallet for NNS Rewards Management
Built on Builder
This week’s featured DAO built on the Builder protocol is Based Mingos! Built by Prof Werder, Based Mingos is designed as a hands-on educational tool for those interested in learning how to create their own DAOs. Based Mingos helps individuals and teams explore the features of nounish DAOs, offering an interactive approach to decentralized governance. Funds raised from the DAO’s auctions are reinvested into supporting DAO education and the growth of Base-based DAOs.