The Builder Protocol’s looming upgrade has been titled Bali! The Bali upgrade introduces major enhancements, including “Token Claiming” which allows creators to reserve tokens during the DAO creation process, facilitating membership retention from existing communities. “Alternate Core Contract Implementations” allow users to select from different contract versions when creating a DAO. This will allow for multiple versions of contracts like the Auction House, Governor, and Metadata Renderer. A new “Protocol Fees” system will contribute to the Builder Protocol’s long-term development by allocating a percentage of auction revenue to be sent back to Builder DAO. This will be an opt-in feature that is disabled by default for the time being. The “Sequential Media Metadata Renderer” enables the use of various media types by allowing folders of mixed media like static images, gifs, videos, music, and 3D models to be used for DAO token artwork. Finally, “Collection+” enables any NFT collection to upgrade to a nouns-style governance model using ERC6551 accounts and soulbound NFTs to give existing collection tokens governance capabilities without reworking the current governance system entirely. Links to the announcement thread, GitHub, and Collection+ draft specs are below.
Flexible DAO Interfaces
Originally funded through proposal 11, Flexible is a powerful tool that anyone can use to quickly and easily set up a custom interface for their DAO built on the Builder Protocol. Thanks to the folks over at Public Assembly anyone can quickly launch a custom front-end for their DAO. Check out the template site here or head directly to their documentation to get started deploying yours today.

Newsletter Artwork
I’d like to start mixing up the artwork used in this newsletter every week and would love to feature submissions from members of the DAO. The art featured in both this week’s newsletter and last’s was created by myself using the NounsAI playground. If anyone wants to send me artwork they’ve drawn or generated with AI, please DM me on X (are we calling it that yet?) or Discord, and I will include your art and a shoutout in a future newsletter!
Builder Infinite Prop House Dev Round
We’re still seeking more proposals for this round! Any and all contributions are welcome, if you need ideas please ask in Discord and I’m sure you can receive some suggestions from our members and resident engineers. If you want to hop on a call with them, check out the weekly public work sessions mentioned below.
For those who haven’t heard yet, the round has been funded with 0.50 ETH and 1 Builder token to be rewarded to the first three proposals to meet the round requirements and reach the vote threshold of 54. If you are a developer looking for a way to get involved with Builder DAO this is a fantastic opportunity to show your skills! Check out the round on Prop House here for more info.

Builder DAO Onboarding and Guild Meetings
Every Thursday at 4:30 pm EST, community resident Prof Werder hosts a Builder DAO and Nouns Builder onboarding call where she is available in Discord to answer any questions related to Builder or discuss proposal ideas. Once a month, immediately after this onboarding call is the Builder Guild monthly call starting at 5:00 pm EST. This past Builder Guild monthly meeting took place on July 27th, the recording can be found in Discord here. The next Builder Guild meeting is scheduled for August 10th.
Public Work Sessions
Thursdays at 10:00 pm EST is a public work session with Zaak and Neokry. If you have any questions about the work they are doing, ways you can contribute, or even the Infinite Dev Round please feel free to pop in and join them during this session! Notes and recordings from the latest public work session #12 are available here on GitHub.
Builder DAO BuilderBox on TNS
Every week on Fridays at 4:00 pm EST Prof Werder and Toady host BuilderBox live at The Noun Square! Follow the BuilderBox Twitter account to keep up with the latest news. If you aren’t able to make it, you can always go back and listen to the recording. Last week’s recording can be found here. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a show this week but they’ll be back soon!

Builder Channel on Farcaster
The Builder Channel on Farcaster displays a feed of activity from members of Builder including casts and onchain activity such as auctions, proposals, and votes. You can also now see the DAO feed directly on the website by clicking ‘Feed’ as shown in the screenshot below!
It’s a really great way to keep up to date with your fellow Builders! If you haven’t created an account on Farcaster yet, please reach out to me or Prof Werder and we’ll get you an invite!

Builder DAO Fun Fact
The Nouns Builder logo is in the center of each Builder token. There are 15 different colors.

Protocol Stats
Nouns Builder Deployed: 108 DAOs Deployed
DAOs Launched on Builder Protocol: 133 DAOs Created
DAOs income from Auctions: 479 ETH (+1 ETH)
Nouns Builder Proposals: 447 Total Proposals
For regular updates, follow the Nouns Builder DAO Bot on Twitter or Farcaster.
Proposal 66 – Ratification of Mission Vision Values for BuilderDAO
Proposal 64 – Proposal for BuilderDAO Engineering Resident – Jord
Built on Builder
This week’s featured DAO built on the Builder protocol is The Panama DAO! The Panama DAO is aiming to become a network state within Panama by leveraging blockchain technology with a community-driven approach to enable the collaborative and efficient development of public goods. The Founders once authored the Panama Crypto law, which was unfortunately vetoed by the president. Undeterred, they took matters into their own hands and formed The Panama DAO.
Website and Auctions: