Entries Due for Lil Nouns Prop House – ComicDAO<>LilNounsDAO Advertisement Round
February 19, 2023 @ 11:00 AM EST
Feb 12, 2023 – Feb 19, 2023
ComicDAO<>LilNounsDAO Advertisement Round
Calling all artists! LilNounsDAO wants you to create an advertisement to use in ComicDAOs publication (https://nouns.wtf/vote/116). The goal is to concentrate the essence of LilNounsDAO into a page illustration/graphic image and communicate what LILNs is to the world. The objective of the advertisement would be to communicate that LilNounsDAO wants to sponsor your proposals to Nounsdao and to share that LILN is a low barrier entry point into NounsDAO. Create your submission to include in the comic and let the DAO decide which ones to use! You can create short comics, individual images, full page spreads whatever y’all come up with.