Not Just another NFT Project
NounsDAO’s first Chinese proposal #211 passed with high votes, join us tomorrow at 8AM EST to have a chat with @Nounscn as we host builders from China to discuss how to build the Chinese community in the Nouns Ecosystem.
欢迎各位嘉宾以及社区小伙伴一起参与本场space,本场活动是由@Nounscn 、@thenounsquare 联合主办
Nouns CN 是首个Nouns DAO生态顺利完成高票提案的华人社区,凝聚华语力量支持优秀中文提案。如果大家想参与生态build,欢迎DM!
— Jennie.eth (@Jennie_zizi) January 29, 2023