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  2. Prop.House

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This Month

Calendar of Events

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2 events,


Entries Due for ContractReader Prop House – Design Branding for the Goerli and Sepolia Testnets


Voting Due for Purpler Prop House – Retroactive Funding Round

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1 event,


Voting Due for Nouns Japan Prop House – Round 10

1 event,


Voting Due for UMA Prop House – Round 58

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Entries Due for UMA Prop House – Round 59

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Voting Due for UMA Prop House – Round 59

1 event,

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2 events,

1 event,


Entries Due for UMA Prop House – Round 60

1 event,

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6 events,


Entries Due for BASE Prop House – Build on Base


Entries Due for Thank APE Prop House – Governance: Making ApeCoin Antifragile


Entries Due for Thank APE Prop House – ApeCoin Futurists: Ape In to the Future


Entries Due for Thank APE Prop House – ApeCoin Influencers: Spreading ApeCoin Worldwide


Entries Due for Thank APE Prop House – ApeCoin Designers: Design the Future of ApeCoin


Entries Due for Thank APE Prop House – ApeCoin: Developers Build the Future of ApeCoin

1 event,


Entries Due for BASE Prop House – Stand with Crypto

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