Not Just another NFT Project Reuniones a la nounish Esta ronda está enfocada en realizar meetups nounish en diferentes ciudades de habla hispana. ¿Qué esperamos? Un evento en el que se pueda reunir la comunidad a conocerse, pasar un buen rato y aprender sobre Nouns. Alentamos a los organizadores a preparar una presentación, juegos, dinámicas o concursos para explicar […] This is Nouns Video Proliferation Challenge A pilot round that challenges you to submit ideas to proliferate the "This is Nouns" video far and wide! Come up with your best idea to proliferate the video meme and make a proposal, Top 4 will receive 0.5 ETH each, funded by Nouns DAO. Join the This […] Jan 24, 2023 - Feb 2, 2023 Round 7 An open round where builders are encouraged to propose any idea they believe will benefit the Nouns DAO Japan ecosystem. Whether that means building up the community or proliferating Nouns within Japanese culture - all are welcome! Anyone with an ETH address is welcome to […] As per Prop 89, Arash is going to create a 1-minute animation video. He is calling on all writers and creatives to present him a script for the video he is going to create. For reference, look at some of Arash’s work here. Although topics are open for iteration, here are some suggestions to […] We want to help novel and high quality DAOs launch using the Nouns Builder tool. We encourage proposals to include detailed information on the artwork, starting members, and core concept of the organization. We welcome any and all ideas: ranging from movie studios, to open source projects to things we haven't even imagined yet. […] Memes & Marketing Round 2 Calling all memeoooors, proliferatoooors and marketoooors. We're rewarding any and all memes, content, tweets, youtube videos, tiktoks, literally anything that expands awareness of Nouns Builder and why it's important and exciting. Proposers are encourage to put forward completed works as their submissions. Once the proposing period is complete, Builder […] Art Packs Round 2 Creating amazing, unique and beautiful art is one of the most challenging aspects of creating a new Nouns DAO. This goal of this round is to encourage people in the ecosystem to create the best art packs for DAO creators. Art packs are templates and resources that make it easier […]