Welcome to all the new faces anonymous avatars who subscribed to The Lil Nouns Weekly Newsletter this week — we’re so glad you’re here!
If this is your first time reading, join hundreds of other smart, curious, Nounish folks:
I hope you had a terrific and nounish week!
My week? Well, I signed up to write a Newsletter every week. But here I am, writing a Newsletter Proposal every week 😅 😂. Third time’s a charm! First one didn’t hit quorum, second one passed but had an error in the Sablier Stream taxonomy, so we’re on-chain again. Shout-out to BabaBlake for all the help. And thank you in advance to everyone who has already voted (again). Jokes aside, I really appreciate each of you.
Here’s what we cover in this week’s recap:
→ Putting out the bat signal for builders
→ Nouns Name Service (Lil Nouns Giveaway)
→ Datapod strikes again!
→ Current Proposals
→ Prop.House: Round 9 Winners!
→ Around the Lil Community
→ Events
[Reminder: if you have anything that you’d like featured, drop a note to me directly or in the #newsletter channel in Discord!]
Alright, let’s dive in.
→ Putting out the bat signal for builders
It’s time to build! If you are a builder, we want to start putting out the bat signal that we want you to come build in Lil Nouns and we will support you as you “build up” into Nouns.
More details to come.
→ Nouns Name Service (Lil Nouns Giveaway)
Only one day left! All you have to do is register your .ETH name into .⌐◨-◨ and then join the NNS Discord and let them know and you’ll be registered for the giveaway!
All the details can be found here:

Now it’s time for the most awaited reward of the mission.
3 @lilnounsdao to Win in 3 days. ✨
Details below 👇👀

→ Datapod strikes again!
The Datapod recently published some new dashboards for Lil Nouns, and they are (not surprisingly) straight fire.
First up, a prop house dashboard based on the data gathered by lil bk. This is still a work in progress and they plan to add funding per team member and other stats over time. Dig into the data here: Lil Nouns Prop House.
They also built a similar dashboard for Nouns Prop House under the Nouns Mandate which is available here: Prop House Historical Data.
Second, a dashboard that helps visualize Lil Nouns’ voting power, delegations, and delegators. This was mostly built using brunes’ work, which hadn’t been consolidated into an easy-to-use dashboard yet. They also added a chart that shows voting power over time chart, which is quite interesting. Dig in here: Lil Nouns voting power and delegations (preview below).
→ Current Proposals
We passed a few awesome Proposals this past week!
[Prop 64] lilsandbox.wtf – Test out VRDA (Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auction). This mechanism let Lil Nouns sell tokens close to a custom schedule over time by raising prices when sales are ahead of schedule and lowering prices when sales are behind schedule.
[Prop 63] House of Lil Nouns – A supercharged governance client for Lil Nouns.
[Prop 62] Lil Funding Refill – Replicate Nouns DAOs process in allocating fast capital to DAO contributors via small/retroactive grants. Refunding same wallet with 50 ETH, and compensating brianj 3 ETH for the custom instance of AddressBoard.
And we have one Active Proposal [Prop 66] – The Weekly Newsletter (👋). I appreciate your vote. 🙏
Read about the details of every Proposal here.
→ Prop.House: Round 9 Winners
We had 6 winners at 2 ETH each (Prop.House: Round 9). Congrats to all of the winners this round!
Check out the summary of the winners below, and give it a retweet so that more people can learn about this route to get funding in the future:

– 31 props were received this round
– 522 votes were cast by Lil Nouns DAO members
– Top 6 props will be funded 2 ETH ea (due to a tie.)
TY to all Lil Builders who applied, & congrats to the winners 👇
→ Around the Lil Community
1/ Meet the Lil Nouners: Meet B
Brook brings the heat again, this time with our very own B aka the beauty and the punk, who helps run Lil Sisters. This was a phenomenal listen, be sure to check it out at some point this week:
2/ Lil Sisters: Nounify The Flow
Speaking of Lil Sisters, this week all 4,000 pieces of sanitary pads were delivered to GO WITH THE FLOW in support of fighting period poverty. Thanks to Elle and Lil Sisters for this awesome public good while proliferating Lil Nouns.
If you want to vote for the latest proposals to be funded by Lil Sisters, you have a little more time for this round! Voting ends October 17th — there will be 5 winners chosen at 1ETH each. Vote now: Addressform: Lil Sisters Fund.
3/ Lil Brickz
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the bear is for building. And it’s no surprise that @lilnoun1112 has rolled up their sleeves is building an awesome lil deriv. What is it? A Lil Nouns derivative based around your favorite construction toy with a goal of turning Lil Nouns into LEGO form.
4/ Lil Basketballs
Prop 36 delivered mini basketballs for the DAO! 🏀 Designed and shipped by vsvsvs.
5/ Lil Nouns is OM
Come check out our Lil corner of 6529’s metaverse oncyber. Big shout-out to Motiondesign for helping make it happen!

→ Events
Weekly Community Call (Oct 16th at 2pm EST)
If you missed last week’s Community Call, here is the recording
TNS Soapbox: Lil Nouns (Oct 10th at 6:30pm EST)
TLNS joined by HenryTheGrape, CM and Council of Kongz member from CyberKongz, lilblockparty team to discuss: ‘Building; Tech & Community’ and the man behind the LilPropHouse pfp, SQ aka ijustasquirrel
See you next Sunday,
Lil Saturn