Welcome to everyone who has joined us since last week! If this is your first time reading, you can join hundreds of other smart, curious, and nounish folks by subscribing here:
Do you enjoy reading this newsletter and the Twitter threads each week?
If you do, vote for Prop 92 right now (ends in 2 days!) to keep getting these tasty recaps! Vote now 👇
Thanks for letting me steal some prime real estate. Back to our regularly scheduled recap.
Here’s what we cover in this week’s post:
→ Noun Delegation Auction
→ Free Mint ⌐◨-◨
→ 3 Latest Proposals
→ Marketing Round Winners + Retro Round Open Now
→ Around the Lil Community
→ Lil Noun Stats
Alright, let’s dive in!
→ Noun Delegation Auction
Another week, another experiment in the Nouniverse!
For the first time ever, a Nouner auctioned off delegation of their Noun for 3 months.
Bonkers experiment. In the best way.
And this naturally opened up the conversation about whether Lil Nouns should auction the delegation of our 15 Nouns to make some income as we continue to build towards being a sustainable DAO on our own.
If you’re a Lil Noun holder, you can catch up on the conversation here in Discord.
We’ll see how this unfolds, but in the wise words of King Baba:
“The market is deciding what is fair.”
→ Free Mint ⌐◨-◨
Last night, I couldn’t help but imagine Jack Butcher’s latest Visualize Value project, “Checks” with Noggles instead of Checks. It has a really interesting burn mechanic that is worth exploring (see tweet thread linked above).
Anyway, he made “Checks” as a derivative of Damien Hirst’s piece: “The Currency.” So I felt it was only fitting to make a derivative of the derivative. Meta, I know. Since minting last night, there have been over 20,000 mints.
It’s free. But has secondary royalties (6.9%), all of which go to Lil Nouns treasury.
Mint one (or 100) now and future royalties will all go to our treasury:

Open edition
Free mint
6.9% royalties go directly to the @lilnounsdao treasury
(Thanks for the inspiration @jackbutcher – everyone should go pick up a “Checks”)
Noggled Checks – VV + Lil Nouns

→ 3 Latest Proposals
Last week, one Prop ended, and two have been put up for a vote. Unfortunate to see Craig’s IRL activation not pass, but I am hoping he’ll come back with another idea or version in the future.
Proposal 93 [Active]
lilnouns.eth: set reverse record
This is a simple proposal to set the reverse record from the treasury to be lilnouns.eth. By setting this reverse record, anyone will be able to easily send anything to Lil Nouns by simply inputting lilnouns.eth.
copypasta of https://nouns.wtf/vote/205 and https://nouns.wtf/vote/202.
Proposal 92 [Active] That’s this! 👋
Lil Nouns Weekly Newsletter Continuation (plus Twitter Threads at a 30% Pay Decrease)
1. Continuation of writing the Weekly Newsletter
2. Adding Weekly Twitter threads
3. 30% pay decrease from last proposal that passed
Proposal 91 [Defeated]
Unique IRL Proliferation at 420 Tasty Trivia Events
6.9 ETH to sponsor and brand 420 Tasty Trivia Events as Lil Nounish
Your vote matters.
Get out there and vote! Why not right now? It takes 30 seconds.
→ Marketing Round Winners + Retro Round Open Now
Marketing Round
Round 11
Funding: 0.35 ETH + 1 LIL × 7
We had 30 submissions and over 1,000 votes cast! Explore each in Prop House.
Here are the winners:
Retro Round
Round 12
Funding: 2.50 ETH × 5
A lot of people have contributed to the success of Lil Nouns DAO at different consistencies, scopes, and visibility. With this in mind, this Retro Prop House round is designed for previous contributions that may have gone unnoticed. In the round, builders are encouraged to present the scope, size, and impact of their contribution. This will not only give contributors a chance to make their contributions more visible, but it will also allow the community to recognize the value of these contributions. As part of this Prop House round, 2.5 ETH will be paid out to 3 top-voted winners.
Wiz, Lil Pizza and Baba are leading the pack as of now. 🙌
Voting ends in two days, so cast your votes asap!
→ Around the Lil Community
1/ A Lil Nouns Children’s Book!
Pretty rad to see Ilustradoraeth’s Nounish Coloring book (funded by Lil Sister’s Fund) come to life this week!
Check it out below, and download it for free this week.

Thanks @lilsistersfund and @ilustradoraeth
See y’all in the Lil Nouns Discord!

They also dropped some rad new designs for PPP:
2/ Lil Brickz
The first five Lils are on their way… can’t wait to see them IRL someday!
3/ Lil Nouns Weekly Giveaway Winners!
Congrats to the winners of last week’s giveaway!

It’s a New Year so let’s do a @lilnounsnews giveaway for some free JPEGs!
To win:
1. Follow @lilnounsnews
2. RT the 1st tweet of this thread (above)
3. Comment below with your ENS
4. Subscribe to https://t.co/cnSgk212mT
3 winners will be selected to receive: “Nouniversary 0” https://t.co/bbH9WNh6dg
4/ Soft as a Cloud! ☁️
David bringing the (soft) goods this week, you love to see it.
5/ AI Lils
Everyone is talking about AI these days.
So naturally, you would ask: what would an AI Lil look like?
Well, Ping Feng has the answer:
Join us tomorrow night with some legends!

– @tobylasso – co-founder of @nocturnal_xyz and manager of artists such as @VinnieHager & @DevonDeJardin
Toby will join us to talk @nocturnal_xyz and their recent mint!
Set your reminders 👇 https://t.co/udnzsfNdNP
7/ Lil Nouns 2022 Recap Edition!
Last week we published the Lil Nouns 2022 Highlights Edition! 🥂
If you missed it, it’s worth the trip down memory lane!
And for those who prefer tweet threads, here you go:

The start of the new year is a good time to reflect on the past year—what went well, what didn’t & what can be improved (aside from Alameda’s backdoor)
Below we’ll highlight the amazing accomplishments & builders since @lilnounsdao launched last year

→ Lil Nouns Auctions
Lils Minted: 19 (down 63% from last week)
Lils Burnt: 6 13 (down 54% from last week)
(Source: Dune | Lil Nouns Data Pod)
See you next Sunday,
Lil Saturn