Rage Quit/Redemption Feature
TLDR: Experimental redemption/rage quit mechanism by burning a Noun for a portion of the treasury (using bonding curve to determine the rate).
Sybil Resistance + Anonymous Voting
TLDR: Implementing Proof of Humanity protocol to limit voting to 1 vote per person (not based on # of Nouns owned) and Anonymous Voting feature in a Nounish DAO
Noun Auctions with VRGDA
TLDR: Experimenting with integrating Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auctions into Nouns.
NounBA: Basketball-inspired nounish dao
TLDR: Basketball inspired DAO running 2 Nouns-style auction simultaneously.
Nouns Voting Power Pool
TLDR: Buy/sell Nouns voting power to propose and vote. Monetize your Nouns.
Splitable Delegates : Extending current Nouns delegates feature.
TLDR: A smart contract that allows holders to delegate to multiple people from one address + allows delegatees to transfer their votes to others.
Analytical dashboard
TLDR: Analytical dashboard which shows Nouns and Lil Noun on-chain data (auction and secondary prices, holders info, voting, treasury size, …).
Nouns where older Noun ids have more weight
TLDR: experimenting with different vote weights based on Noun’s #
Create NEW Use-Case NFT
TLDR: //the author just lists different NFT use cases, no idea what the prop is//
NOMO Nouns
TLDR: An engaging new game that adds to the Noun O’ Clock Experience (from part of the team that brought you The Noun Square!)
Nouns Art Contest
TLDR: Run a 1 ETH Art Contest (on Creator Contest app) to onboard new creatives to Nouns