Mucho Love Going Viral
Mucho Love, a project powered by Nouns, just went viral on Instagram with a charity post (donation to a dog shelter). They received an incredible 58,000 likes!
NounsDAO Japan making moves on OpenSea
New NFT collection by NounsDAO Japan – NounishCNP – is #1 Trending on OpenSea! Go check out the cool animated ninjas.
DinoNouns NFT project launched! – Twitter.
The Nouniverse
Stay in touch with your friends after the official Discord is gone, you can find the smaller communities here.
Gami spoke about Gnars on LunarCrush Live – recording here (3k viewers).
Nouns Esports are now voting on NounsDAO proposals in it’s Discord, thanks to a delegation from brennen.
Prop House
Only a few hours left to vote on the Make Nouns Go Viral and Nounish Hackathon rounds!
Prop House also has its own Discord server – join here.
Ideas and proposals
Small Grants: I need NounsDAO’s support to make donation for Myanmar – Discourse.
Nounish Sticky Candy – Discourse.
Nouns Merch Shop – Discourse.
NOUNS WATER – idea & branding – Discourse.
Is Nouns Dao ready for Mr Beast? – Discourse.
[SCALE-UP] Nounish Cleanup In Rwanda, Kigali, Africa by NounsDAOafrica – Discourse.
Small Grants: Nounish Furniture – Discourse.
Which steps would you take to build a SubDAO from zero? – Discourse.
NounsLATAM at LABITCONF, Buenos Aires, Argentina – Discourse.
Nouns Coffee Africa – Discourse.
NounsDAO in Taipei Blockchain Week – Discourse.
Fund 5K Promo Videos – Discourse.
Grants And Retro Funding
Nouns Chocolate is READY and already almost sold out at APEHOUSE 2.0 event – Discourse.
NSFW also has its own Discord server – join here.
Full list of Nouns DAO small grants.
You can see an overview of all funded proposals here – link.
If you want to track proposal updates yourself, the best way to do so, is to join the nounish Discord server – join here.
Nouns Builder
Based on on-chain data, it seems 20 DAOs have already been deployed using Nouns Builder. These include nogglesDAO, PurpleDAO, the park DAO, NounishMingos, …
Gnars are the first DAO to join Federation, this allows Gnars holders to directly vote on NounsDAO proposals. The first cross-DAO votes have already been cast!
Learn more here.
Nouns x Dopamine Streetwear
More designs from dopamine in nounish Discord server.
NounsDAO Brazil
Another IRL activity from Brazil – this time they nounified local RAP battle – Youtube.
Nouns Explainer
Ordinary Folk coming in with another WIP update, this time sharing some animation and style frames – more here.
Nouncil has successfully migrated to its own Discord server – join here.
All information about Nouncil can be found here.
Nouner section
On-chain proposals
Noun sales
Average auction price: 42,6 ETH
OpenSea floor: 52,5 ETH